Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gourmet American

Yes, humans are hilarious. I came back to my wine photo shoot to find this. What's slightly less hilarious and moderately disgusting is the fact that soda and cheap processed-I'm hesitant to even call it- cheese are eaten globally.

Hypothetical scenario:

Little Johnny, age 13, goes to school with converse on his feet, bee-boppin around, happy that he is alive. He feels fit and strong. He might even be doing the monster run in gym today. As he is walking through his school hallway, he sees a poster that tells him to gulp a coke.. and make it a double. No big deal; Coca-Cola has been advertising in PUBLIC schools since 1993 (ex. Colorado Springs) Then he walks past the strategically placed vending machines that offer up this sweet elixir, only a dollar a bottle. He probably wants one. Soon he's craving it, drinking it, addicted to it, 10 minutes later, he's sugar hyped, 10 more minutes, he crashes. Fast forward 10 years and little Johnny is now called Big J. He's obese, has acne, and definitely drives a Ford pick-up and plays video games on the weekends. He will die at the age of 61 of the number one killer in the United States: Cardiac infarction. Ew. That sounds so nasty.. And soda is the killer.

Dudes between the ages of 12 and 29 drink the most sodas... a quart, to be approximately exact (source: North Carolina School Nutrition Action Committee Report 2002)). That is nasty ass nasty. To top it off, 1/3 of children and 1/2 of all adults are obese. Now you know what they say, correlation doesn't imply causation, but really? Really? WTF? Way too fat!

Soda only does one thing: it puts sugar into your body in concentrated amounts. It's not even subtle about it. Can anyone even say that they would drink a warm coke? Nope. It's too sweet. Like way too sweet. And do you know what sweets do to your body? They make you fat and then you die. So there you have it. Drink wine instead. Do you think that if Little Johnny had a bit of wine with lunch everyday, he would get fat? I just hear the critics saying: but it breeds alcoholism! Seriously, that statement requires another post entirely to combat. I will have to banish their nasal voices in my head for now. But so much more to come on flavor, sweetness, health, and the benefits and culture of wine.

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